Sunday, May 31, 2009


All active brothers at initiations Spring 2009

Winning touch football

Family vs. Family tug-of-war at Field Day

After cleaning up at Rivers Alive

Clearing trails at Fort Yargo

After reading my last post about APO, I thought maybe we sounded a little strange haha So I've decided to throw a few pictures in here so you can put faces with the actions. I've included a few from service projects, some from a "field day", and one of all of our memebers. If you have any questions feel free to check out for more information! 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Coming Soon: UGArden

I had a great talk today with Chris from UGArden. It sounds like a really great project they're bringing to campus, and I can't wait to see what they do with it!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

World Vision -- Acting on AIDS

I got my packet from Acting on AIDS/World Vision last night. Oh my goodness! It makes me so sad that people really live like this, but at the same time I'm so excited for what we're doing with AoA. It's amazing to think that a simple fundraising project like buying a t-shirt can improve the quality of life for people across the world. I'm definitely guilty of getting so caught up in my own life and what is happening to me that I forget that not everyone lives the way I do; it's especially hard living in Athens and being surrounded by UGA. I get caught up in GPA, friends, family, work, and a million other things that I unintentionally block out problems that don't directly affect me. I've added in one of the AoA videos from youtube for y'all to take a look. It is definitely a powerful video.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alpha Phi Omega

Since all of my AoA friends have been out of town I've been working on putting stuff together for the fall semester for Alpha Phi Omega. For those of you that don't know, Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national co-ed service fraternity based on the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. It sounds boring, but I promise it isn't. APO is probably the best decision I've made since coming to UGA.

I stumbled upon an APO banner advertising a service fraternity, ended up at a meeting, pledged, and fell in love. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into in the beginning, but I've developed some of the best connections (both professional and personal) through APO that I could ask for. I have at least 20 people that I know I can call at any time and they'll be able to help me out. And I am actively giving back to the Athens community.

The principles of APO are pretty straightforward, and we try to keep them that way:
  • Leadership -- There are a variety of different leadership positions you can take as soon as you start pledging. The pledge class has its own group of leaders including: President, VP Service, VP Fellowship, Secretary, and Historian. After being initiated there are these positions, and more, that are available. APO also offers classes, called LEADS courses, that help you to become a better leader. These courses identify everything from what it is to be a leader, what your leadership style is, how to improve your leadership, and so on. These courses are actually used in corporations all over the world and cost thousands of dollars per class, but we get them for free!
  • Friendship -- Although we aren't a "social fraternity" we do plenty of fun stuff together. We usually hang out about 3 or 4 times a week (we call them fellowships) and we do things like watching tv shows, potlucks, bowling and kayaking, playing tennis, having competitions, formals, semi-formals, girls night in and boys night out-- just to name a few. Although our main purpose as a fraternity is to do community service, it's not very much fun if you don't like who you are with!
  • Service -- ahh, the whole point of the group. Clearly we do a lot of community service, and we enjoy what we do! We have a variety of projects that we work on every semester including: Oasis tutoring, adopt a highway, working at the food bank, playing buncco at a retirement home, habitat for humanity, the humane society, Prevent Child Abuse Athens, Butterfly Dreams, and many other organizations in and around Athens. Not only do we work with these groups, but we're always looking to expand our network to new groups. We're constantly asking for suggestions from new members. If you can't find a project you like then you can let the VP of Service know, and they'll work with you to add something in.

Clearly this organization is very important to me. This past semester I was VP of Membership and during info meetings I stood up infront of rooms full of people and told them APO was the best decision I've ever made. They all looked at me like I was crazy -- until they pledged. In the spring of 2009 we initiated about 20 new brothers, and they all realized what I was talking about. Over the past year APO has more than tripled its number of active brothers. Obviously we are doing something right!

If you are interested in pledging APO or what to get some more information about what we do, check us out at: Or if you have a suggestion for a organization we should look into working with please leave a comment and let me know!

Friday, May 22, 2009

No Plans This Weekend?

I was just checking out the hands on northeast georgia website to see what projects that have coming up and I stumbled upon something that Chris in 5990 had mentioned earlier this week. The Athens Farmers Market needs people to help them out this Saturday with what I'm assuming is a sale. So if you don't have any plans on Saturday or if you just want to check out what is going on with local Athens Farmers and sustainability (a very important word lately), you should check it out! If you want to volunteer here are the shifts:

Setting Up: 6:30am-8:00am [3 volunteers needed]
Greeting: 8:00am-12:00pm, one hour shifts [1 volunteer per shift]
Breaking Down: 12:00pm-1:30pm [3 volunteers needed]

It's a little early, especially for 5990 that have to get up early for class everyday anyways. But it is being hosted by P.L.A.C.E, which is a group that has just been brought to my attention this week, but it sounds like a great organization. If you're interested this would be a great event to get your foot in the proverbial door, so to speak.

If you DO want to volunteer, go to and sign up, then go to the calendar for tomorrow (may 23rd) and register. It's that easy! Have fun guys!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Updates!

I received another email from Kurt Rahn today. I'm really starting to like this guy! He has put us in touch with a well-established chapter at the University of Illinois!! Jess won't be available until June 7th, but I'm sure we'll have a ton of questions for her by then! I'm so excited to be able to talk with an already established chapter! There are a lot of housekeeping details that I didn't expect to have to take care of before we can be a legit organization on campus. I'm still waiting on the new mail packet because the one we used to have is currently in Costa Rica with Joanna (not jealous or anything), but as soon as that comes we'll be getting started. (work and adpr 5990 class permitting lol )

In other news, I've been checking up at to see if there are any good service projects coming up. Since this weekend is Memorial Weekend, it looks like everyone is taking a (much needed) break. However, that week and the first week of June have some good projects lined up. There is also a childrens camp that needs volunteer to make lunches, run crafts, and be a general ref for the kids. If anyone is interested go to the website (you have to sign up but they send you email updates) and volunteer!! Most of you are already bored anyways. Go be productive!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nonprofit of the Week

Prevent Child Abuse Athens is by far one of my favorite nonprofit organizations in Athens. Last semester APO worked with them on a few different fundraising projects and they were awesome! They're very active in Athens, and truly provide a great service to the community. 

The mission of PCAA is "to prevent child abuse and neglect in all its forms -- physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect -- through education, support, and public awareness." PCAA runs multiple programs that offer everything from help for first time moms to education about recognizing child abuse. The programs they offer are: 
  • Healthy Families -- volunteers make house visits to see how parents are handling the transition into parenthood. Typically these visits continue for up to 4 years, and during that time parents are given resources within the community and support.
  • First Steps -- trains the volunteers that work with Healthy Families.
  • Parenting Classes -- Offered in a variety of places throughout the community and educate parents in non-physical discipline and positive communication.
  • Community Education -- creates presentations for the community on preventing, recognizing, and reporting child abuse. 

Because PCAA is a nonprofit organization, fundraising is clearly a huge part of this organization. Last semester APO participated in several fundraising activities for PCAA including:  a percentage night at Five Guys, a diaper drive, and a reverse car wash (best event ever! we car painted spirit onto people's cars before the Alabama game). PCAA also holds an annual fundraising event called Starry, Starry Night-- a dinner and auction-- that raises a good amount of their fundraising. They also hold a Prevent child abuse walk in the spring that gains a lot of attention from the community. 

A quick trip to the website reveals just how involved PCAA is with the Athens community. Several UGA organizations work with them and even more donate money. The positive work they do can be seen all over Athens. If you want any more information check them out at: Enjoy!